Hi, I’m Sheryl Masters
Registered Health Coach
After reversing several compounding health conditions, I have been inspired to become a health coach. In 2019, after a checkup with my doctor, I was told I would be “reclassified” as Type 2 Diabetic after many years of being pre-diabetic, morbidly obese and on increasingly stronger medication for high blood pressure and managing my blood sugar. I was forced to face that the future wouldn’t be great if I didn’t do something! But what do you do when you have tried everything and failed repeatedly?
Fast forward to now, it’s been over two years since I reversed all signs of diabetes, and my HBA1c has been “normal” I am no longer on blood pressure medication, and I have lost 40kgs! From a size 22 to 12 – Yes, you read that right, I still can’t believe I get to type that number!
Getting to where I am now has been a journey of self-discovery and reality checks and will be ongoing; I don’t pretend to be perfect, and I do still indulge from time to time, but I realise that has to be the exception, not the way I live every day. My next journey phase is helping others as a Certified Health Coach.
& Approach
To inspire, educate, and empower people to make the best choices for their bodies and life. Health is not only the absence of illness but a balance between the physical, emotional, social, occupational, intellectual and spiritual aspects of life.
As a Health Coach, I aim to provide nonjudgmental support, helping you come to your own conclusions about what works and doesn’t work to support you in reaching your goals.
If you have any concerns in the following areas, we should talk about them!
- Pre-diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Weight Concerns
- Gut Health
- Energy & vitality